Who to notify when a death has occurred?

The following list may assist you in contacting relevant people and organisations when a death has occurred:

  1. Australian Electoral Commission
  2. Australian Taxation Office
  3. Banks and credit unions
  4. Centrelink
  5. Child Support
  6. Clubs such as the Returned and Services League
  7. Credit card and hire purchase providers
  8. Department of Veterans’ Affairs
  9. Education provider such as school, TAFE or university
  10. Employers
  11. Executor of the will
  12. Family and friends
  13. Foreign pension authority. If the authority’s details are unknown, contact Centrelink’s International Services
  14. Funeral bond provider
  15. Funeral director
  16. Funeral insurance company
  17. Health benefits fund
  18. Health professionals such as doctor, physiotherapist, dentist, podiatrist, optometrist
  19. Hearing centre
  20. Hospital
  21. Insurance companies
  22. Landlord, tenants
  23. Local council
  24. Local post office
  25. Medicare
  26. My Aged Care
  27. Prepaid funeral insurer
  28. Professionals such as solicitor, accountant, financial advisor
  29. Public services such as library and state authorities
  30. Public Trustee
  31. Religious advisor
  32. Social worker
  33. Superannuation fund
  34. Telecommunication providers such as phones, internet
  35. Utilities such as gas, electricity and phone companies
  36. Vehicle registration and licensing authorities

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