The following list may assist you in contacting relevant people and organisations when a death has occurred:
- Australian Electoral Commission
- Australian Taxation Office
- Banks and credit unions
- Centrelink
- Child Support
- Clubs such as the Returned and Services League
- Credit card and hire purchase providers
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs
- Education provider such as school, TAFE or university
- Employers
- Executor of the will
- Family and friends
- Foreign pension authority. If the authority’s details are unknown, contact Centrelink’s International Services
- Funeral bond provider
- Funeral director
- Funeral insurance company
- Health benefits fund
- Health professionals such as doctor, physiotherapist, dentist, podiatrist, optometrist
- Hearing centre
- Hospital
- Insurance companies
- Landlord, tenants
- Local council
- Local post office
- Medicare
- My Aged Care
- Prepaid funeral insurer
- Professionals such as solicitor, accountant, financial advisor
- Public services such as library and state authorities
- Public Trustee
- Religious advisor
- Social worker
- Superannuation fund
- Telecommunication providers such as phones, internet
- Utilities such as gas, electricity and phone companies
- Vehicle registration and licensing authorities