Cremation Services Cost
Our price structures are simple
Cremation Costings
Professional Service Fee $649.00
Transfer Fee $220.00
Basic Coffin $150.00
Cremation Permit Fee $88.00
Cremation Fee $645.00
1 x Death Certificate $48.00
Provide 24 hour Advise and Support
Total $1800.00
GST $180.00
Total $1980.00
Transfers will be charged an extra Milage rate of $1.30 + GST per Kilometer outside Melbourne CBD, from base to transfer and return.
An extra $150 will be charged for oversized coffin.
Burial Costings
Professional Service Fee $1593.00
Transfer Fee $220.00
Basic Coffin $150.00
1 x Death Certificate $34.00
Provide 24 hour Advise and Support
Total $1997.00
GST $197.00
Total $2194.00
Transfers will be charged an extra Milage rate of $1.30 + GST per Kilometer outside Melbourne CBD, from base to transfer and return.
An extra $150 will be charged for an oversized coffin.
Our Burial pricing does not include purchases of a grave or interment fees, this is required to be paid directly to the cemetery trust by families, which we can assist you in doing so.
Extra Pricing Costs
All above item costs include GST